Asset Management

Are you doing everything possible to protect your Asset?

The media is filled with stories about the many perils awaiting your vacant property!

Insurance alone may not be enough if your property becomes the scene of a violent crime or worse.  There are never any guarantees, but the service provided by Homes In Transition can make a huge difference in keeping your property safe and secure and maintained.

For property that is either waiting for the next course of action such as Bank REOs or a house that has been purchased and is awaiting your arrival we offer a great solution.  Our Asset Management Service can either utilize the benefits of a Caretaker Occupied solution or a specially tailored management service to provide a unoccupied inspection and security service to fit your needs.

Either way, protecting the value of the property is goal one.

More information about Asset Management Services please Contact Us.

Homes In Transition, We Breathe Life Into Vacant Houses.